Would you believe that it was 12 weeks ago when we had just started the FitMixer Bootcamp? I can’t, I honestly can’t. It’s been an amazingly crazy, roller coaster 12 weeks but I wouldn’t change a single thing.
I started the FitMixer Bootcamp as a way to change up my fitness routine. I wanted something that would challenge my body in new ways and in a way I may not necessarily think of doing. I wasn’t in it because I was looking to lose weight but ultimately, I did. Over the course of the last 12 weeks, I’ve lost 4 lbs and before those of you who know I don’t need to lose weight freak out, I don’t think it’s in a bad way but in a totally healthy way – I feel amazing!
I’ll be totally honest, I wasn’t big on the FitTests because I don’t really like “speed” tests. I like to workout but I don’t enjoy these kinds of workouts very much. And I think it shows in my results as I don’t go all out because if I do I find my form suffers. I would rather take twice as long to complete x number of Burpees with proper form, than try to do as many as I can in a minute, which probably won’t have the proper form and therefore less benefit. Maybe that’s just me.
And as crazy as this may seem, what I feared to be my biggest struggle (mentally and physically) turned out to be one of the most eye-opening aspects of the whole Bootcamp. Would you believe I’m talking about counting calories? Through MyFitness Pal we were able to track our daily meals, snacks and exercise. It was eye opening as it often allowed me to realize if I was eating out of hunger, boredom, sadness or something else. It allowed me to pay attention to what and how much I was eating. If I eat yogurt with fresh fruit and granola for lunch every day and feel satisfied until snack time mid afternoon then that’s good for me. It made me realize that most days I don’t need to have something else with it to make me feel satisfied. Often it just made me stuffed. Mindful eating went to a whole new level.
Now I wont constantly require myself to count calories as there’s definitely times it’s challenging or you may find yourself feeling like you can’t eat or drink something (like a cookie or glass of wine) because you’re already at your allotted calories. But I do think sometimes it’s good to check-in and help make sure you’re staying on track and to catch behaviors that may need addressing (good or bad).
Ultimately though, I was in this for the workouts. I was in it to change things up and challenge my body in a whole new way. Did I? Absolutely! I was able to get in 30 minute workouts that left me exhausted and sweating like a crazy girl. And all in the best way possible.
All workouts were designed so that you could do them from anywhere – gym, home, travel, etc. I rarely did them from home because I have a hard time staying motivated through my workouts when I’m in my living room and there are so many distractions. That and I don’t think my neighbor below would appreciate 100 Burpees happening above her head.
I was also able to get some amazing ideas for future workouts, including one of my new favorites the Full House workout or It’s All Downhill From Here or Tabatas. Funny thing is, first time we had a Tabata workout I hated it. Full on pretty much despised every moment and thought I was going to pass out or die. And now, I think I love them. Maybe not every moment, but I feel and see the results. It’s amazing!
It’s bittersweet for bootcamp to be coming to an end. I’m excited to start planning some of my own workouts again, lifting more weights and running more. But I’m sad to lose the community. It’s not that we’re necessarily losing the community but the weekly check-ins and conference calls or webcasts were always a highlight of my week. They gave me something to look forward to and I always enjoyed hearing about everyone’s success and learning from them.
And I can’t tell you enough how much I love this company! I think it’s rare to find a company made up of some of the friendliest people (shout out to Candice, Alicia, Robin and Whitney!) but that makes amazing products. I’ve mentioned before just how much I love the FitMixer Protein Powder, FitMixer Slim but especially the FitMixer Amino. I’ve never felt more powered through a workout since I started drinking the Amino.
Ultimately, I am so happy I decided to take part in this bootcamp and go through this experience. It really allowed me to focus on me, both physically but also mentally and emotionally.
To all of my fellow Bootcamp participants: Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I can’t wait for each of you continue your healthy living journey and continue to grow this community. See ya later!