I saw this bootcamp originally on Janetha’s blog, and it took a little convincing from her to sign up. I commented and said that I would do it, but it’s so darn expensive. And then she talked me into it with a little gentle nudge. I needed a change, and she posted this opportunity at just the right time.
I blogged about the bootcamp on my blog a couple weeks ago, and here’s what I summed up as far as what I liked the best:
- Support system — other participants and the diet and exercise experts
- A customized nutrition plan with easy and healthy meal ideas
- Interesting workout ideas and modifications for all sorts of fitness levels — all gym-free options that I could do while I traveled heavily this summer.
I ended up focusing more on my fitness goals and less on my weight. I wanted to up my running mileage (check), work through LiveFit Phase 3 again (almost check, though I’m putting this off until winter now), but most importantly FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF. Even at 15 lbs. heavier than I’ve been since I started eating healthy and exercising regularly. And that? That goal, more than anything, was well worth the $150 I spent on bootcamp. I’ve spent money on therapy for my body image issues for the past several years, and NOTHING has ever gotten me to this point. I know now that I can successfully hit fitness and weight goals without going crazy and obsessing over the scale, or making my entire life about what calories go in and out of my body.
I mean seriously. Just look at this bod! I love the shape of it. I’m still a few pounds heavier than where I want to be (vanity weight, but well-within my healthy range), but I’m going to continue with my nutrition plan and get there happily and healthfully.
In addition to the big achievement of gaining better body confidence, my abilities have grown. My fit test numbers went up by 10% from the first test to the last one.
When I started this bootcamp, I had a big whopping “CAN’T” blocking me every day. And now? I know that I can! I can go running if it’s windy or raining or whatever (just not toranado-ing — bad idea!). I can get up early and squeeze in a workout. I can go one month without shoving ice cream down my gullet 5 nights a week (for those keeping score, I managed to get Orange Leaf 3 times last month — update on ice cream embargo tomorrow along with a recipe).
Today I signed up for a 10 mile race. It’s the first real race I’ve run in more than 2 years. I ran it 4 years ago as part of my marathon training, then won my age group in the 5K at the same event the next year, but haven’t tried tackling the 10-miler again … until now! I might actually be able to call myself a runner again.
Thank you to everybody who participated in this boot camp — all the support, all the great ideas, everything. Thank you!