In this last week of boot camp, I keep thinking what an awesome experience this has been for me. I did this on a total whim. I read Janetha’s blog and thought “maybe I should try that.” And if I’m being completely honest I had really low expectations for myself…I never thought I would actually stick with it. I’m coming away from this with a new pride in myself because I did stick with it. I did EVERY workout and I ate on-plan 90% of the time. I allowed myself one “splurge” day a week but I found myself making better decisions on those days than I would have prior to boot camp. I am definitely putting more thought into what goes into my mouth which is a much bigger challenge for me that the workouts. I’ve trained for 3 marathons so I know how to push myself but I also knew all too well how to “reward” myself for those long runs!
Things I’ve learned
Acceptance of the body I have. No matter how well I eat or how much I work out, I’m not going to grow 9 inches and I’m fairly certain (if the women in my family are any indication) that my boobs aren’t going to deflate significantly. So this is the body I have I’m going to make it as healthy and fit as it can be.
I can (and will) practice mindful eating! But it’s also okay to have a splurge, I do not need to beat myself up for having dessert!
I can be patient and not sweat the small stuff. Patience is not my strong suit but I can let things go that are out of my control and focus only on what I can do. The rest will fall into place…even if it doesn’t get there exactly the way I want it to.
Thank You!
I wanted to personally thank Candice, Alicia and Robin for their guidance and support throughout this process. I could not be happier with how things have gone this past 12 weeks and you guys have been such amazing motivators, supporters and examples.
Candice: Thank you for giving me an eating plan without restrictions! Having a mindset that I really can have anything in moderation has made this process so easy.
Alicia and Robin: Thank you for introducing me to new workouts! I’ve done every one of them! And with the exception of very few, I’ve really enjoyed them. I really like having a schedule and having my workout set out for me. I don’t wimp out or change my mind if it is in front of me.
So thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys have done more for me than I can even tell you.
Good Wishes
Boot Campers: Good luck going forward and I hope you all had the awesome experience and results that I did. I would do it again in a heartbeat!