I cannot believe eight weeks have passed! I loved this boot camp, so much so that I’m signing up to participate again. Why? I’m so glad you asked.
- I felt crazy strong at the end of it. And I considered myself pretty strong at the start. Haven’t you heard? Strong is the new skinny!
- The amazing support group. There is no way I would have gotten my butt up at 5:30 to workout before full days of teaching and coaching had others not been doing it with me. Plus, I made friends all over!!!
- I learned some really important things about myself.
- I was encouraged to set goals and I’m now an active goal setter.
- I began to focus on how I feel not what I look like and can’t wait to keep this going.
- The fitmixer team is so kind and sweet and good and smart and pretty and I could go on and on…
Did I lose as much weight as I wanted? No, but that was because I didn’t fuel my body with what it needed all the time. I came into this program with some eating issues and I’m leaving with them, but vastly improved. My goal (see #4!) is to work on these issues with the help of another great program so that I can come back and do fitmixer again with a clear mind. If I can benefit mentally, emotionally, and physically this much in eight weeks, anyone can. And believe me, I’m telling everyone I know!