My anticipation into the land of unknown was so exciting for me. The fitmixer Boot Camp was something that was going to force me to look at myself in the mirror, assess the areas of health I need help in and get off the couch! My #1 issue is eating. I’m horrible at it, mainly because I am not friendly with vegetables. The fitmixer squad is such a positive force that helps you feel confident. While I still need a lot of help in the kitchen, I feel like I would have taken a much longer time to figure it out on my own, if ever. Candice is beyond helpful with answering questions and support. With that being said, 100% dedication is the only way you will see great results. I see where I faltered the most but the perspective given is eye opening. You do not realize how much the drive by snacks in the kitchen add up!
My main success is within the workouts. I had zero problems with workout enthusiasm. It’s true, I looked forward to the daily e-mails! I will say that I am very proud that I finished each and every workout. The ones that seem tough (100 burpees!) were actually doable. Then the workouts that seemed easy actually pushed me to use muscles I didn’t know existed. Don’t be fooled either, watching Robin, Alicia and Candice on the YouTube videos makes the workouts look like a smooth flow of strength! Oh yeah, tricep problem. Or dive bombers, easy! In reality, they were two of the most difficult things I have ever done. I really love the community that fitmixer is all about and let’s not forget the products. I am an amino pimp, it is true. I make everyone try them and buy them! There is only positive feedback.
So, I suggest everyone gives the Boot Camp a go. Embrace the challenge!