fitmixer Boot Camp: I thank you for teaching me so much about myself, my diet, and my body through this eight-week journey.
I am 5’8(ish), 23 years old, and have been struggling to get to my “ideal” weight of 145 (some magic number society created for me) for about four years now. Don’t get me wrong, I am athletic, healthy, and in good shape, but those “last ten pounds” don’t want to go away. That’s mostly because I haven’t completely stopped the mindless snacking and overeating, but I’ll get there one day.
I am a numbers person and when I read a review of a program, I want to know about the results in numbers. So, in case you’re like me, here are mine: Start weight: 162 lbs | End weight: 155 lbs.
Also, I decided to measure my “problem areas” at their widest points. I lost 14.5 total inches from a combination of the following areas: arm (at the bicep), underarm (above breast), bust, waist, hip, widest point of glute, and thigh.
The support of the participants and the fitmixer team was incredible throughout this experience. fitmixer taught me that I don’t need to eat a perfectly clean bodybuilder’s diet if I don’t want to be a bodybuilder. I learned that if I eat 1600 calories a day, I don’t overeat after work. Using the MyFitnessPal app really opened my eyes to just how much every extra spoonful (or fingerful) of peanut butter adds up. I learned the difference between hunger and boredom. A healthy diet really is all about balance, and that’s one of the most important things Boot Camp taught me. I now know that above all I need to nourish and care for my body.
I’m so glad I joined this program. I discovered products I love (and now have to have!), met a great group of supportive people, learned a lot about myself and my diet, and lost a few “el bees” along the way . I’m definitely thinking about signing up again in January, and will carry everything I’ve learned from fitmixer with me until then.